
Graduation is an exciting time and the 注册商's Office is here to help make sure you're ready. 查看本页的信息和清单,以确保您的毕业顺利进行.


毕业是获得学位的过程. Applying for graduation is a University Degree Requirement that must be met by each student wishing to graduate. 如果你不申请毕业,你就没有达到你所有的学位要求.
You must always apply for graduation by the published deadline in order to have your degree certified and awarded, 你是否选择参加毕业典礼.


Your student account must be in good standing with the university before your diploma will be mailed. 联系 财务长办公室 请拨打(401)254-3520,以确保您有财务许可. 


与你的导师和院长办公室核实所有学位要求的完成情况. Clear your academic record and have any incomplete grades converted to satisfactory grades before graduation.


本科生和研究生必须提交一份 学位申请 在预期毕业前两个学期毕业.

确认你的主修/副修科目是正确的. 本科学生应该放弃任何专业/辅修,你不会完成提交 主要调整表. 研究生应该联系他们的指导老师.


If you previously applied to graduate at the end of the semester and find that your plans have changed, 请发邮件至graduationcoordinator@rwu.Edu,我们会更正你的毕业日期.


学生有责任满足所有公布的截止日期. All students are responsible for complying with the deadlines published in the 校历.


  • 毕业时间:2024年5月
    • 2023年3月31日前申请
  • 毕业时间:2024年8月
    • 2023年3月31日前申请
  • 毕业日期:2024年12月 
    • 2023年3月31日前申请


  • 毕业时间:2025年5月
    • 申请截止日期为2024年3月28日
  • 毕业时间:2025年8月
    • 申请截止日期为2024年3月28日
  • 毕业时间:2025年12月 
    • 申请截止日期为2024年3月28日


Diplomas of students in financial arrears will be held until their financial obligations to the University are fulfilled and they are in good standing with the Bursar. If you are unsure if an outstanding financial hold has been placed on your account or need assistance regarding the circumstances or resolution of an existing accounting hold, 请与 财务长办公室 at (401) 254-3520.

不完整或缺失的成绩, 你必须和你的教授联系, advisor, 和/或项目主管,如果有的话 I or an IP 你所有课程的成绩.


Matriculated students who wish to take courses at other regionally accredited institutions and transfer credit to RWU must complete and submit the Transfer Credit Pre-Approval form, 在我们的 注册表单 给你的学院或学校的院长打电话.


文凭邮寄到学生的首选地址(家)在罗杰中心. Please verify or update your address online on 罗杰中央 within four weeks of the graduation date. 学位是在达到学术要求后授予的, 包括所有成绩的张贴和转学分. The diploma will be mailed according to the Diploma Release dates after the degree has been awarded.


安排领取你的文凭或授权其他人, 发送电子邮件至graduationcoordinator@rwu.从您的RWU帐户中提取。edu. 请附上你的学生证, 全名, 电话号, 领取毕业证的人的名字, 并在毕业后两周内发出申请. 当文凭可以在注册主任办公室领取时,我们会给您发电子邮件, 老渡轮道一号, 行政大楼.

Note: 领取毕业证书时,必须出示有效证件.


  • 8月份毕业 
    • 九月中旬文凭发放日期 
  • 12月毕业
    • 1月中旬文凭发放日期 
  • 可能毕业
    • 七月中旬文凭发放日期 


您的学位证书将印有您在学位申请上的法定姓名. 你想修改一下你的名字吗, please submit a Name Change form along with legal supporting documentation of the change and return it to the 注册商’s Office. 为了能在文凭上反映出名字的变化, the name change request must be submitted to the Office of the 注册商 8 weeks prior to the diploma release dates.

Requests from RWU graduates for a change of name after graduation are evaluated on an individual basis. 因结婚而要求更改姓名, divorce, 入籍或法院命令更改姓名将被考虑. Please submit a Name Change form along with legal supporting documentation of the change and return it to the 注册商’s Office.

如果你想申请一个新名字的文凭, 毕业证书原件必须连同50美元一并交回.00 replacement fee made payable to Roger Williams University (check, money order or credit card). 一旦文凭订单被放置,交货一般在三周左右.

发送电子邮件至graduationcoordinator@rwu.报告你的文凭上任何可能的错误. 如果你已经收到了你的文凭,并且有一个确认的错误存在, you must return your original diploma to the Office of the 注册商 prior to a corrected diploma being issued. 如果您的文凭损坏,大学将提供替换文凭. 签发换证前, 我们要求退还损坏的文凭, 或者是可用的部分.

要请求更换,请填写 补领文凭申请表 回到graduationcoordinator@jsjiagew71.com. 在补发文凭之前,必须履行所有的经济义务. 由于地址不准确而无法送达的文凭,RWU概不负责.

Note: 所有补发的文凭将被标记为副本.

A $50.00 replacement fee made payable to Roger Williams University (check, money order or credit card). 一旦文凭订单被放置,交货一般在三周左右.

Students with a record of exceptional achievement over the duration of their degree program may be recognized with an honors designation upon graduation.

The graduation honors are listed below; notation will be noted on the official transcript and diploma.

  • 所有科目的平均成绩至少为3分的学生可获得Summa cum laude.8岁及以上.
  • 所有科目平均成绩至少为3分的学生可获得优等学位.6岁及以上.
  • 优等生授予所有科目平均成绩至少为3分的学生.4级及以上.

如果你在完成学位要求后继续在RWU上课,你 MUST be admitted to a new program before you can register for courses in a term that follows your graduation date.


完成你的毕业, please ensure that you complete the following tasks by the appropriate deadlines this will ensure an effortless and gratifying convocation ceremony for you.


与你的导师和院长办公室核实所有学位要求的完成情况. Resolve outstanding incomplete, non-reported, study abroad, independent study and internship grades.  所有未完成的成绩必须在毕业前转换为合格成绩. 


Complete the Degree application for graduation by the deadline (two semesters prior to your expected graduation). You CANNOT 毕业不提交此申请.


核实你的学生账户在学校的信誉良好. 联系 财务长办公室 请拨打(401)254-3520,以确保您有财务许可.

某些贷款要求学生完成在线离职面谈. For more details about the different types of loans and to see if you need to complete an online exit interview, 请参阅大学财务处.


Your diploma will be mailed to your permanent home address approximately eight weeks after graduation. 核实并更新大学的正确地址.

To update your address and telephone information you will need to complete the Change of Address/Telephone Number form and return it to the 注册商’s Office. 表格可以在 注册表单 page.


All undergraduate students are required to engage in community engaged scholarship to satisfy the Feinstein Service Learning (FSL) requirement. The FSL graduation requirement can be fulfilled through one or more of the following engaged learning experiences:  

  • 实习 或合作社
  • 社区参与的研究项目(由教师赞助)
  • 社区参与课程 (1).e.,涉及 与社区伙伴合作的课程)
  • 密集的志愿者体验 (与 a 社区组织合作40-50小时) 

The only students exempt from this requirement are those who transferred to RWU with 24 or more credits.


社区参与工作人员可在以下网址为您提供帮助 engage@jsjiagew71.com

If you have any questions about applying to graduate, 请电子邮件 our Graduation Coordinator at graduationcoordinator@jsjiagew71.com.

如果你对毕业典礼有任何问题, 时间表或任何其他细节, 请电子邮件 events@jsjiagew71.com.